Author: CO2Art Experts

Potassium and magnesium- important elements for plant growth

Growing aquarium plants seems more difficult than keeping fish alone. In order to create an underwater botanical garden from an aquarium, you need a little experience, and at the same time experimenting with greenery. However, getting lush vegetation is possible. The key is to create the right environment and meet the main needs of the plants. It happens, however, that problems arise even in people who are familiar with the topic.

North American Biotope Aquarium

There is something very special about the biotope aquarium. Bringing together a selection of native plants, natural hardscape and freshwater livestock from one specific location in nature creates something beautiful. In this article, we take a look at a North American biotope setup.

In vitro aquarium plants

What exactly are in vitro plants? Why are in vitro aquarium plants are becoming a popular site in many local fish stores worldwide. They make a great alternative to traditionally cultivated plants typically sold in baskets filled with mineral wool. Why are sellers and aquascapers finding In-vitro plants more appealing? What is their phenomenon?

Say hello to Echinodorus Tenellus (Red)

There is a great confusion on the internet between Echinodorus Tenellus and Helanthium Tenellum. Both names do refer to the same plant. There is also a great deal of confusion between the broad version which is commonly known as the pygmy chain sword and the reddish, thinner variety of the same name. The plant being […]

Using bacteria to establish a new aquarium

Many products on the market allow us to speed up our aquarium’s start-up time and cycle period. Some fishkeepers rely on these bacteria products for all aquariums, yet some fishkeepers remain steadfast and resist the temptation to rush things. Read on to find out how these products work, when to use them and the benefits of using live bacteria in your aquarium.

Best plants to create a lawn in your aquarium

Various species of aquatic grasses are available for sale. First of all, it is worth choosing undemanding aquarium plants for the lawn, e.g. Vallisneria, dwarf hairgrass, Brazilian micro sword. The best plant for a lawn in an aquarium is a relative term, it is worth using 2-3 different species (or varieties), especially in larger tanks. Of course, not in order to  combine them together, but to plant in different parts of the aquarium.