Author: CO2Art Experts

How to fight cyanobacteria in the aquarium

Blue-green algae are commonly and unfortunately incorrectly classified as algae. In fact, it belongs to the kingdom of bacteria (Cyanobacteria). Billions of years ago, it had a beneficial effect on the planet, transforming the original, toxic atmosphere into a friendly, livable atmosphere. Currently, however, cyanobacteria cause undesirable and harmful blooms in marine and inland waters. They can release dangerous substances, such as neurotoxins. Their presence in the aquarium is a serious warning signal. You have to react immediately.

Understanding the aquarium ecosystem

The basis for the proper functioning of the freshwater aquarium is to create a stable ecosystem in it, in which living organisms that make up the biocenosis (animals, aquatic plants, and microorganisms) and the elements of the biotope (water, substrate, elements of decor) maintain a dynamic balance. This equilibrium is achieved when the chemical parameters of water, such as hardness, pH, and concentration of nitrogen compounds – remain at a constant and appropriate level, animals and plants develop and grow healthy, and algae remain in an amount that does not threaten other living organisms.

How a CO2 system can benefit your fish tank

Carbon dioxide is necessary for planted tanks which are essential for keeping certain species of fish in their best condition. Planted tanks are not just beautiful for aquascaping but also useful for fish health. While plants found in planted aquariums are many and widely varied, they all need a constant supply of carbon dioxide to grow successfully, nuturing your aqua life at the same time.

Cloudy water in the aquarium

Aquarium fish are one of the most popular pets. A well-maintained mature aquarium is an effective decoration for the interior. Observing a piece of nature in your home has many benefits. However, most aquarium owners will agree that maintaining optimal water quality in an aquarium is challenging, especially in a new fish tank. What causes cloudy water and what is the best way to deal with it?

Why a bowl is not a fish tank?

Many aquarists probably started their aquarium hobby by breeding guppies in a cucumber jar. However, a very dangerous phenomenon has recently become the presentation of a goldfish bowls for all occasions. While for the recipient the gift may turn out to be a pleasant gesture at the beginning, trouble begins after a few days.

How to create the Self Sustaining Aquarium

Busy hobbyists will surely like this option, however having a self-sustaining fish tank is a great challenge. That being said, a closed ecosystem can’t be entirely autonomous because it can’t create a natural food chain itself. Therefore maybe for the purpose of this article, it’s better to call it low maintenance aquarium or a self cleaning aquarium.

Improving Your Home Environment with an Aquarium

With many of us now staying at home to stay safe, it’s worth thinking about the environment we’re living in and how it is affecting our quality of life during this uncertain time. Keeping up a routine is one of the most important things we can be doing when discovering our new normal, and there are ways for us to improve our home environment too.